Next Golf day at Pyecombe

Gentleman, the next MGS Golf Day will be at Pyecombe GC in the heart of the South Downs Friday 23 January
Pyecombe Golf Club
Clayton Hill
West Sussex
BN45 7FF
For directions click here
Pyecombe Golf Course is situated in the South Downs National Park, an area of outstanding beauty and offers stunning views across the Sussex Weald. The golf course is a good test of golf for all levels of ability, measuring 6278 yards off the White tees, 5955 yards off the Yellow and 5559 yards for the Ladies. The course also offers ‘a walk in the country’ where natural flora is encouraged and regular sightings of deer, buzzards and other wildlife.
James Braid, the iconic golf architect, helped shape the course which is over 100 years old, and one which requires accuracy with ‘inventive shot making’ being required to negotiate the 18 holes. The course is superbly presented in the summer with smooth running greens, whilst in the winter the course rarely closes with a chalk base allowing fairways to drain naturally. The club never has to limit trolley use.
In 2013 the club achieved the ‘Southern Counties Golf Club of the Year’. The award was received for ‘the fantastic condition of the greens and with the fairways cut to perfection’. They also noted that Pyecombe was ‘..the most picturesque course in the area and provides an excellent venue’.
Cheques should be made out to Mayfield Golfing Society and sent to
To; Phil Herbert, 15 Warwick Park, Tunbridge Wells TN2 5TA