New website launched
Hopefully if you are here you will see that we have a ‘new look’ website.
There is a lot still to add but we are trying to get the basics in place as quickly as we can. The navigation has been simplified and out of date material removed. There is a huge amount of archive material which has built up over the years and it is hoped we can add at least some of this over time.
Full details of forthcoming golf days will be available at least two weeks before the event but in general the monthly society golf day is held on the third Friday in every month. There maybe exceptions when clashing with bank holidays but be sure to check back to make sure. Details will be added to the Golf Dates page as they are confirmed.
Meanwhile we are always seeking new members so do encourage anyone you might know to get in touch. As those of us who play regularly can confirm – its a lot of fun, good natured and friendly, and even when you’re not having such great day on the course there is always the 19th hole!!